Digital Stimulus Isolation Amplifier
The Model 4D Digital
Stimulus Isolation Amplifier (SIU) is a low-noise
optical isolation amplifier design to optically isolate
electrical stimulating currents.
ZERO leakage current, high compliance
(72 VDC), ZERO power on spikes (maintains short circuit
across electrode when off), battery load test function,
good step response.
Theory of
Inputs: The input mode
is digital. TTL or CMOS 0V to 5V. Input connector is
isolated BNC.
Output: Output is a
current source. Therefore unit operates as a Digitally
controlled Current Source. Output connector is also an
isolated BNC.
Range: Three output
ranges are 0-0.1mA, 0-1mA or 0-10mA. The output is adjust
with a 10-turn potentiometer where the value of the pot
reflects the value of the output current when a digital
pulse is applied. e.g. when the range is 0-1mA and the
pot is set at 6 turns the output current will be 0.6mA
during the time that the digital input is at a
"high" logic level. The range is set from a
three position toggle switch.
Power: Powered by 10
9Volt alkaline batteries.